Prepare For Spring Cleaning

Issue No. 007

Hello and welcome to Beyond the Paint, a blog by Bio Seaweed Gel (BSG).
Each Wednesday we will be releasing new content that will discuss all things nails and more.


We are three weeks out from the official first day of Spring but it’s never too early to start (or prepare) spring cleaning. One thing we learned as we grow older and wiser is that the cleaning never really ends – I mean don’t you love it when you clean the kitchen only to wake up the next day to clean the kitchen again? All jokes aside, cleaning, decluttering and organizing does provide some therapeutic relief for us and on this week’s blog we will be sharing some simple tips and tricks on how to spring clean your BSG collection.


Before you start cleaning and organizing, we suggest you declutter first so you don’t have to clean items you no longer need or want. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and discard of anything that no longer sparks joy. Or in this specific case when dealing with old polishes, safely dispose of any colour(s) that may have gone ‘off’ or colours that no longer suit your taste. You will know a polish has gone off when the texture is thick and ‘goopy’- even after troubleshooting by shaking the bottle vigorously and placing the tightly sealed bottle into warm water. It’s good to also know that opened BSG products are best used within 24 months, and unopened products have a shelf-life of 3 years. Not ready to say goodbye? We have a great tip to reuse and recycle your once loved polishes. If you have a few polishes that you no longer enjoy wearing, consider mixing them and creating your custom shades to your liking!


After decluttering, it’s time to clean the bottles! Grab a paper towel or lint-free wipes, soaked with 70%+ alcohol to clean off any sticky polish residue. It’s not just the outside but inside that counts too, so open up the bottles and clean those necks. With your paper towel or lint-free wipes, separate and gently pull out the brush and wand from the cap of the bottle and wipe off all the leaked gel to ensure it is clean, resulting in a like-new brush! To put the brush and wand back into the cap, simply put the brush and want into the bottle first then close the bottle tightly with the cap.

If you are cleaning your Dip Liquid brushes, #5 Brush Saver is an effective cleaning agent that softens and dissolves hardened Dip Powder left over on your nail brush or hardened dip liquid on the neck of the bottles. Take this time as well to also wipe down and clean the area in which you will be storing your polishes.


Now that your collection is decluttered and cleaned it’s time to organize and properly store them away. Everyone has their own personal preference on how to organize and store their polishes, but we just love how it looks to have the bottles displayed on our BSG Wall Rack! Sorted by colours or numerically by the colour name, there is something visually satisfying about seeing polishes being displayed like so. With all purchases made from BSG, you also receive reusable 1-, 6- or 12-piece packaging that is not only intended for safe shipping, but also doubles as a way to store your products! However, you choose to store your polishes, ensure that they are kept in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. Contrary to some belief, you do NOT need to store inside the fridge. Doing so can actually cause the product to become too cold and tough to shake well, room temperature will do just fine


Upkeep! Upkeep! Upkeep! You know how they say ‘prevention is better than a cure’? It may be hard, but don’t let your spring cleaning go to waste and try to maintain what you’ve worked hard to achieve. Having a good storage system, and making a habit of cleaning the bottles after you’ve used them will definitely help in maintaining the welfare and shelf life of your polishes.

We’d love to know; what is your cleaning routine like for maintaining your bottles of polishes? Let us know what your best tip is.

Every comment will also double as an entry for a chance to win a $25 BSG e-Gift card. One winner will be contacted by email on March 3rd 2021. Must be 18+ to enter and a resident of Canada.

*Update: Giveaway closed, winner is Jennifer.


I always remove the excess polish on the rims with napkin paper (to avoid cotton fuzz in the polish bottle) and acetone!

Eileen March 02, 2021

These are great tips for keeping things organized! I keep mine in a small cupboard with organized shelves. To keep my polishes clean, I wipe them before putting them away. :)

Lorena Zapata Bedoya February 27, 2021

I definitely learned the hard way that cleaning your bottles is necessary when I couldn’t open one at all because the bottle neck was stuck with residue polish! I now wipe my bottles after each use with lint free wipes!

Kim C February 25, 2021

Spring cleaning is a good idea and nail polish organization is a must! Looking forward to trying out some of these tips! :)

Sarah Onyschuk February 25, 2021

These are great tips, I will be doing this with my nail polish to ensure they last!

Hurania February 25, 2021

Great tips! 💅🏻✨💖I store my nail polishes in a nail polish holder I got for Christmas.

Angela Chandrapal February 25, 2021

I appreciate the de-cluttering tips! The wall rack is a great idea :)

Sara Simms February 24, 2021

I keep them in a drawer along with all of my other nail items!

Mel February 24, 2021

Great tips! I have a transparent compartmentalized storage box where I keep all my BSG polishes. I haven’t thought to use 70% alcohol before for the sticky residue, will definitely give that a shot next time!

Jennifer February 24, 2021

I keep mine in a drawer nicely organized by colour of preference and also any of the utensils I need to clean or so my nails is close in rang as well.

Natalia February 24, 2021

I like to store them on my nail rack or in my nail drawer! My collection is growing and storing them in a drawer keeps my space nice and clean.

Gladys February 24, 2021

I like to organize my nail wall rack by color family to keep track of what I have and also easier to find the color I am looking for!

Bel February 24, 2021

The tips in this post are so helpful! My cleaning routine is very similar to the one above. I make sure I thoroughly clean the bottles at the end of my process to make sure they are fully clean for the next time. This also ensures no polish is left on the outside and dries!

Anisha February 24, 2021

It’s great learning more helpful tips for maintaining the bottles. Rubbing alcohol is the easiest way for me to clean the bottle, quick and hassle free.

Linda February 24, 2021

I absolutely love the tips about cleaning the bottles and shaking them before each use. I have done my own nails for the past few months with bioseaweed gel and my nails have never looked better. I know that this is the healthier gel. I can’t wait to add to my collection. Thank you BSG

Nadia February 24, 2021

I love these tips! I clean the bottles after every use with alcohol before I put them back so there’s no residue. I also create nails designs with the polishes that don’t get used as often so it attracts the clients eye and they are more likely to try it.

Shaumz February 24, 2021

Love these tips! I wipe a bottle any time I get it mucky around the too so that it doesn’t gum up the lid. I also rotate my towels after every wash so they all get used regularly and steam mop my floors after each customer.

Becca Hoffmann February 24, 2021

I love to have them organized on my shelving unit and I make sure to wipe down my bottles after every use with alcohol to make sure there’s no residue before putting them back on the shelf!

Rebecca February 24, 2021

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